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Group bookings // guided tours

ALT 1: The traditional culture

Life in the 1800s and traditional culture in Valdres. Guided tour around the open-air museum, both outdoors and inside some of the historical buildings. Languages: Norwegian/English. 

Our guided tours last for about ONE HOUR and include a performance of live folk music, a tour of the open-air museum, and admission to one of the historic buildings to view artwork and handicrafts and learn about the everyday life of the people who lived there. 

Price per person: NOK 120 (over 15 persons). Price per group: Minimum NOK 1600. May-September. In July and August folk music and dance are included. 

Group booking and more information

tel: (+47) 61 35 99 00 // mail: info@valdres.museum.no

We always require confirmation of the booking

ALT 2: The farm, cotters holding and mountain farm

Before ca. 1950, when the tractor became commonplace on the farm, the work in the steep fields was heavy and hard. In the summer, the women had help at home and could travel up in the mountains with the cattle – to the rich mountain pastures, many of which are still used today. Join us for a walk around the farm, the cotters holding and the mountain farm in the open-air museum. Languages: Norwegian/English. 

During these TWO HOURS you will join the guided tour through the farm, cotters holding and mountain farm in the museum. The guides will tell you about the history of at the life and work in Valdres, and you will get the possibility to taste some traditional food. 

Price per person: NOK 220 (over 15 persons). Price per group: Minimum NOK 3200. May-September. In July and August folk music and dance are included. 


Guided tour of the exhibitions at the Valdres Folk Museum. Theme: The King's Road, bunad costumes, folk music, stave churches, Norwegian romantic nationalism and much more. Tours can be customised for individual groups. Also in winter season. Tours can be combined with a walk through the open-air museum during the summer season.

Our guided tours last for about ONE HOUR. Price per person: NOK 120 (over 15 persons). Price per group: Minimum NOK 1600.


Have you heard of musical magic? Valdres' folk music has fascinated people for hundreds of years – and continues to do so. Springar and halling are fun dances that liven up the body and soul. Come and learn more about Valdres' traditional music and dance! 

  • Concert with professional folk musicians and dancers, where you will hear the langeleik and Hardanger fiddle and see the dancing doll Tore and dancers perform the springar and the halling. 
  • Old recordings: hear recordings from the folk music archive and learn some simple musical passages. Valdres' folk music archive is the oldest regional folk music archive in Norway, with around 14,000 audio tracks of interviews, musical and dance performances featuring fiddle and langeleik players, singers and dancers from the 1940s up to the present day. The recordings tell us something about people and forms of community life that no longer exist. 
  • Come and dance! Halling and go’karstykkje create opportunities for team-building, provide a sense of accomplishment, and can be performed either in teams or individually.​

1,5 HOUR, also in winter season. Price per person: NOK 220 (over 15 persons). Price per group: Minimum NOK 3200. Language: Norwegian or English. 

Museum cafe

Large groups are advised to make a reservation in the museum café prior to their visit. ​

Munkekroen Café and Restaurant: Indoor and outdoor seating available, with a view of the Strønda fjord. Home-made meals made from local ingredients, seasonal menus. Meat from free-range livestock, fermented trout and home-made sausages. A range of ecological herbs, coffee, tea and freshly baked bread on sale every day. Munkekroen has for several years made the top-ten list in a ranking of Norway's best roadside diners.

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