Anne-Marte Før
ROAD: E16 from Oslo or Bergen. RV51 from Gol or Randen, Vågå. RV250 and RV33 from Lillehammer/Gjøvik/Dokka. Sumarvegen from Lillehammer/Gausdal over Lenningen and Etnedal.
BUS: Valdresekspressen express coach from Oslo or Beitostølen/Sogndal/Årdal/Lærdal/Lom. Øst-Vest Xpressen express coach from Lillehammer or Bergen. Local service from Leira.
TRAIN: Bergensbanen railway from Bergen to Gol, then bus to Fagernes.
PARKING: Free parking in the car park by the E16 exit road. Disabled parking available. Visitors may also park on the gravel pitch in Fagernes town centre, which is only a five-minute walk from the museum. From the gravel pitch, cross the bridge over the river, and turn left onto the footpath along the E16.
UNIVERSAL DESIGN: Disabled parking is available in the car park. The Reception building, which houses exhibitions and the museum shop and café, is universally designed, but the historic buildings are not. The museum café offers a varied menu, including vegetarian dishes. Food allergens are labelled.
Til/frå | Avstand | Reisetid | Oslo | 186 km | cirka 3 t | Bergen | 337 km | cirka 5,5 t | Trondheim | 377 km | cirka 6,5 t | Lillehammer | 116 km | cirka 2,0 t | Gjøvik | 97 km | cirka 1,5 t | Gol | 50 km | cirka 1,0 t | Beitostølen | 38 km | cirka 40 min |